MC Dispatch’s Privacy Policy, Disclosure and Notice of Claims
‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service respects the privacy of visitors to this web site. Your personal information is collected, used, and disclosed by ‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service only in accordance with this privacy statement. Personal information is defined as information about an identifiable individual, with the exception of business contact information such as a job title or work-related telephone number, postal address, or e-mail address.
You can visit ‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service on the web without telling us who you are or revealing any other personal information. We collect personal information about you only when you knowingly provide it. By accessing ‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service web site, you consent to our collection, use, and disclosure of the information you provide.
This privacy statement deals only with personal information collected through ‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service web site. Any changes to this statement will be incorporated into a revised statement posted here, so that you will always have access to information on our current web site information-handling practices.
1. Information Collection and Use
If you request information regarding products and/or services through ‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service web site, you will be asked to provide personal information. ‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service collects and uses your personal information to provide information, products, services, and programs that respond to your interests and needs to answer your questions and address your concerns to meet legal and regulatory requirements. The purposes for which personal information is being collected, used, and disclosed are stated on every web page where personal information is collected.
Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email in the future to tell you about specials, new products or services, or changes to this privacy policy.
2. Information That Does Not Identify You
‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service logs certain technical information from your computer’s web browser when you visit us on the Internet. This information includes your Internet address, the address of the web site you are coming from, the amount of time you spend visiting our web site, the pages visited, the operating system and web browser software you use, and, if you link to us through a search engine, the keywords you use to find our web site. The logs do not record personal information, can be accessed only by ‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service, and are used solely to track visits to our site and improve its content and layout. MC Dispatch Messenger Service never attempts to tie this information to particular individuals visiting our web site, unless that is necessary for investigating a security breach.
3. Disclosure and Retention of Your Information The personal information you provide through our site is never disclosed to third parties without your consent. We do not sell or trade your personal information to other organizations or companies, and it is shared with others only in the ways explained in the online form that you use to supply it.
You must contact us if you no longer want your information to be kept by us. If you contact us with a question or comment, any information identifying you is normally kept only long enough for us to provide a response. If circumstances require us to keep it longer than that, we will notify you.
4. Accuracy of Your Information
‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service relies exclusively on you for its information about you. To ensure that you are kept up-to-date on the products and services we offer, and that there is no interruption in our communications with you, please contact us to advise us of any changes in your information (or if you wish to confirm the accuracy of the information we hold).
5. Contacting Care Factor Computer Inc.
‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service takes full responsibility for the management and confidentiality of the personal information it collects through its web site. By providing this privacy statement, Mc Dispatch Messenger Service pledges its continued commitment to protecting the information you give us. We regularly review our online information-handling practices to ensure that we are abiding by this privacy statement. If you believe that ‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service is not abiding by this privacy statement or have concerns about ‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service online information-handling practices, please contact us at ‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service 6723 – 50 St NW Edmonton, AB T6B 3M6.
Disclosure to all customers
Received at the point of origin on the date specified, from the consignor mentioned herein, the property described, in apparent good order, except as noted (contents and conditions of contents of package unknown) marked, consigned and destined as indicated below, which the carrier agrees to carry and to deliver to the consignee at the said destination, if on its own authorized route or otherwise to cause to be carried by another carrier on the route to said destination, subject to the rates and classification on the date of shipment.
It is mutually agreed, as to each carrier of all or any goods over all or any portion of the route to destination, and as to each party at any time interested in all or any of the goods, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the conditions not prohibited by law, whether printed or written, which are hereby agreed by the consignor and accepted for himself and his assigns.
No driver, walker or other subcontractor of the carrier has the authority to enter into agreements or make verbal commitments as to delivery times, the declared valuation of goods or the alteration of any terms of this contract and such agreements, commitments or alterations may only be made directly through an authorized officer at the carrier’s head office. Neither ‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service nor McGlade Courier Service Ltd. nor any officer or director thereof shall be liable for any loss or damage to goods arising in any way from inadequate packaging of the goods and the risk of loss or damage to goods from improper packaging shall be borne by the shipper.
Neither ‘MC’ Dispatch Messenger Service nor McGlade Courier Service Ltd. nor any officer or director thereof shall be liable to the consignor, shipper, consignee, owner or any third party for any loss, damages, special damages, incidental or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, loss of market, loss of interest, loss of profit or income, loss of use or alternative courier transportation costs) howsoever arising, in any way resulting from loss or damage to goods or from the mis-delivery, non-delivery, delay or detention of goods, or from any other cause whatsoever.
(a) No carrier is liable for loss, damage or delay to any goods under the Bill of Lading unless notice thereof setting out particulars of the origin, destination and date of shipment of the goods and the estimated amount claimed in respect of such loss, damage or delay is given in writing to the originating carrier or the delivering carrier within sixty (60) days after the delivery of the goods, or, in the case of failure to make delivery, within nine (9) months from the date of shipment.
(b) The final statement of the claim must be filed within nine (9) months from the date of shipment together with a copy of the paid freight bill. The contract for the carriage of the goods in this bill of lading is, by regulation passed by the Alberta Motor Transport Board under The Motor Transport Act, deemed to contain and be subject to conditions set out in the regulation.