Burden Free Scheduled Deliveries
‘MC’ Dispatch can take the burden away of the scheduled deliveries that you do on a regular timed basis. We offer this service 24 hours a day. You require the service we make it our priority.

‘MC’ Dispatch can set your deliveries or pickup’s on a scheduled basis so that you don’t have to take away precious time away from your busy schedule. You wouldn’t even have to place an online order or make a call to our office. Just leave it to ‘MC’ Dispatch, forget about it, and we ensure it will get done.
We schedule it with you to ensure that it is most convenient for you. You save time and money from having to do it yourself or paying one of your staff members. You forget about it, we ensure it’s done for you, then you can focus on other things.
- Do you have that delivery or a pickup that is required to be done every day, once a week or once a month, at the same time?
- Do you have a regular delivery from your office that goes to another destination?
- Do you have a regular pickup from a location that comes to your office?
- Are you a company who regularly has something that needs to be brought to another parent location of yours?
Prompt & Reliable Daily Mail Service
MC Dispatch’s Mail Running service offers a seamless and efficient solution for businesses looking to streamline their daily mail and package delivery needs, allowing you to focus on your company, instead of wasting time with the postman.
‘MC’ Dispatch will provide mail runs to your local post office, any time of day. We can make morning, mid-day and late afternoon mail run to your local or main post office. This enables your company to work on your time schedule, not the postman’s. With this service we can sort out your mail, add the postage and have it delivered.
Alternatively, we also provide a service where you might be a company that has several other locations that require daily mail to be brought to your other companies. We provide this type of mail run service also.